Holiday Spices

Holidays and other special events are not the same without herbs and spices. Of course, the tried and true recipes used over the years for cookies, pies and a wide variety of side dishes are all made special because of different types of spices.

The holidays and special events are a great time to bake and create special treats. Yet, I always try to keep things simple so that there's time for the really important things in life like spending time with family and friends.

This web-site is built based on these ideas. Nothing is too complicated. I stick to the simpler recipes and leave the type of cooking that requires candy thermometers and rolling balls of substances to the experts.

Then as the weather gets colder, try these other special recipes - Gingerbread Cookies If you are looking for a special treat for a holiday breakfast, try these Gingerbread Mini Muffins.

In my family, we always make a fresh cranberry dish for holiday meals. This particular recipe is a favorite not just for the taste but also for the pleasant aroma of fresh oranges and limes that are used. It's always enjoyable when the preparation is a sensory experience. Try this easy Holiday Cranberry Recipe.

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